• | Sag - Same as RUN |
• | Seam sealer - Putty-like product used to seal seams or gaps in the body. Available in solvent-based formulations, as well as water based, in bulk cans, or caulking tubes. Seam sealer is used in hidden areas of the bodywork, such as the door jambs and cowl where appearance is a secondary concern. |
• | Secondary colors - Mixture of two primary colors to produce a second color. Example: red and yellow make orange |
• | Seedy - Rough or gritty appearance of paint due to very small insoluble particles |
• | Settling - See PAINT SETTLING |
• | Shade - A variation of color. Example 1: a green shade blue. Example 2: light blue versus dark blue |
• | Shrinkage - Tightening or shrinking of paint film as solvent evaporates |
• | Shrinkage - The characteristic of paint or filler to "shrink" with time as a full cure is reached, making surface flaws and sanding scratches reappear. Common with lacquer-based primers or acrylic spot putties. |
• | Sidetone "Flop" - The color of a finish when viewed from a side angle |
• | Single stage - A one-step paint procedure of applying color, protection and durability in one application. No clear is used. |
• | Siphon feed gun - Any paint gun which uses air flowing over an opening to create a vacuum to draw paint up a tube to be atomized. |
• | Solid color - Colors that contain no metallic flakes in the pigment portion of paint. These colors have opaque pigmentation or properties in the paint film |
• | Solids - The part of the paint, pigments and resin which do not evaporate |
• | Solution - A homogeneous mixture of two or more dissimilar substances |
• | Solvent cleaner - Solvent-based cleaning material used to remove contamination from surfaces prior to refinishing |
• | Splitting - The breaking open of an undercoat or topcoat into long cracks resembling the look of a "dry river bottom". |
• | Spot repair - The process of repairing only a portion of a panel or vehicle |
• | Spray pattern - Spray from the paint gun adjusted from a very small, almost round pattern to a wide, flat, somewhat oval shape. |
• | Stabilizer - Special resin-containing solvent used in basecoat color to lower viscosity helping in metallic control and recoat times |
• | Strength of color - The hiding ability of a pigmented toner or colorant. |
• | Substrate - The surface any primer or topcoat is applied over |
• | Suction feed - A configuration of spray equipment where the paint material is drawing into the gun from a cup at the bottom by the venturi action of the gun. |
• | Surfacer - See PRIMER-SURFACER |